How Long Does It Take to Learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?
Perhaps you are a huge movie fan of martial arts movies. You know all the great names like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li. You can remember all the great choreography and storylines. If you’re a fan, then you know how exciting it can be to see a new movie with new sequences to watch in awe!
There are some who become motivated to learn a martial arts themselves. Some want to learn for self-defense, and others to build confidence. Some want to simply get in shape, knowing the physically demanding work it takes to learn any form of martial arts.
There are many great people in martial arts that are not movie stars. They live their lives humble and stay disciplined. They share their experience and knowledge of the arts. What type of dedication does it take to learn such a deep knowledge of a form of martial arts? Is it months or even years? Does it take longer to learn any one form of martial arts opposed to others?
This is article is focusing on the greats like Megaton Dias, the cousin of Royce Gracie and Carlington Gracie. These are Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belts. They run gyms to teach students their knowledge. The big question for a person in training now or wants to be a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt is, how long does it take to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and possibly become a black belt?
What Are Your Motivations to Learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?
We are our motives. Our motives to become wealthy, start or raise families, advance in careers, or become knowledgeable are just as much a part of us as our thoughts and actions. When learning something new like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, it’s important to know why you want to learn, according to Royce Gracie. He says many come to learn for self-defense.
According to Journey Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy, which teaches Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Madison, some come for the discipline. Why is this relevant? Because if you have a clear, strong motive to learn, then there will be more effort and time spent in learning. The more urgent the more engaged we are in anything.
What Are the Aspects of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?
There are four aspects to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. One is boxing. Understanding the range of yourself and others along with the multiple striking possibilities. Second is licks. Understanding how to be limber and throw proper kicks.
Third is grappling. This is what sets Brazilian Jiu Jitsu apart from other martial arts. The grappling aspect is art in itself and makes a person in training dangerous. The fourth is crash and bash. This is the up close and personal elbows and is sometimes considered dirty boxing. Up close engagement skills.
What Are the Requirements for Training?
According to Bernardo Faria, a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, the amount of time varies from person to person for learning the levels of this form of martial arts. He says it can take a person up to a decade to become a black belt.
He says it usually takes one to one and a half year to earn a white belt. This is the beginning stage. It may take two to three years to earn a blue belt, two to three more years to earn a purple belt, another two to three years to earn a brown belt, and finally two to three years to earn a black belt. It took him a total of seven and a half years to become a black belt.
As the belt may be someone’s goal of accomplishment depending on their motives, we can still learn the basics and develop our own knowledge of Brazilian Ju Jistu. Our greatest tool to learn faster is that of repetition. It has been said we are what we repeatedly do.
In all aspects of life including learning Brazilian Ju Jistu is repetition. Having the discipline to practice and learn. Then apply what has been learned and then unlearn the bad habits and practice again! It take hours to learn all the proper techniques in Brazilian Ju Jistu. Becoming a student is more than brute force or a flurry of punches.
What Are the Additional Benefits of Training?
It may be discouraging when hearing from Bernardo Faria that it can take up to ten years to become a black belt. This belt would of course bring recognition of hard work and discipline. However, this isn’t everyone’s motive! Getting active in a dojo is where it starts.
Ritchie Yip says that he grew in every part of life the more he trained. The discipline required to learning such a skill brings about discipline in everything. It is a gratifying feeling to know for yourself what you’re made of. To know for yourself that you are disciplined. Humble. This brings about a quiet confidence that needs no boasting.
Do not stress about the amount of time it takes. The end result is not the end. What is important is the training, according to Megaton Dias. This statement resonates. Time will slip away in the training. Action is the call to learn. Time becomes irrelevant. Get out there and learn. Water is a great symbol in martial arts and I leave you with a poem from 2000 years ago, from the Tao Te Ching:
“The supreme goodness is the water. It benefits all things without contention. In dwelling, it stays grounded. In being, it flows to depths. In expression, it is honest. In confrontation, it stays gentle. In governance, it does not control. In action, it aligns to timing. It is content with its nature and therefore cannot be faulted.”